Simple and Affordable Subscriptions
Upgrade your account to remove ads and unlock all features
Recurring subscription for 3 months of premium access to UChess.
Recurring annual subscription for 365 days of premium access to UChess.
Triennial + 1 year free
Subscribe for 3 years and receive an additional year free of premium access to UChess.
If you are not satisfied with your UChess subscription, please notify us within 14 days for a full refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will every ad be removed on the apps too?
Yes, ads are not shown to subscribers, regardless of how you access this service. Ads are no longer on the web site or apps when logged in with your upgraded account.
How many games can I play simultaneously?
Play up to 1000 simultaneous games concurrently. This limit prevents an unmanageable number of games being started at once.
How does timeout protection work?
Subscribers can book 'vacations', which offer a period of timeout protection for up to 36 days per year. You can even continue to move during your vacation.
Can I enter every tournament?
All open public tournaments will be available to you along with any open club tournaments. Some tournaments are banded by rating and you may not be eligible if your rating is currently provisional.
When will my account be upgraded?
Your account will be upgraded immediately after subscribing.
Can I transfer my subscription to another account?
A subscription is assigned to a single account and cannot be transferred another.
How do I cancel recurring billing?
Send a site feedback message in good time, and we will make sure no further charge occurs on your renewal date.
I do not live in the US, so why are subscriptions priced in US Dollars?
We list our subscription prices in US dollars, buy when subscribing, a currency conversion will automatically take place for your currency.