

Help Directory

Subscribing to UChess

Subscribing to UChess removes advertisements and enables all site features. Please click here for more details.

My Subscription Status

The current status of any subscriptions you have purchased for yourself or others can be found on the 'My Subscriptions' page.

Cancelling your subscription

To cancel your subscription please send feedback, being sure to include your UChess account name in the message. It would help us to improve this service if you also state the reason for cancellation, although this is not mandatory.

Please provide at least 5 working days notice before cancelling. Any further scheduled billing will be cancelled on receipt of your feedback. Your account will not be terminated once the subscription expires, it will simply resort to a normal non-subscriber account. Any existing games above the maximum available for non-subscribers can still be completed.

Post a link

Add link to a message or forum post by using [help]faq[/help] as shown next to each question.

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